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St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

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Newfoundland Regulation 1997



Flatwater Pond Provincial Park Proclamation, 1997
under the
Provincial Parks Act
(O.C. 97-329)

(Filed June 16, 1997)

Under the authority of section 4 of the Provincial Parks Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council proclaims the area described in the Schedule to be a provincial park.

Dated at St. John's, June 4, 1997.

John Cummings
for the Clerk of the Executive Council

                   The Flatwater Pond Provincial Park Proclamation, Consolidated Newfoundland Regulation 1049/96, is repealed.


All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Flatwater Pond, in the Electoral District of Baie Verte, abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a survey marker set in the southeasterly shoreline at low water mark of Flatwater Pond, the survey marker having grid co-ordinates of north 5,514,321.33 metres and east 283,249.38 metres;

Then running by Crown land south 17° 43' 34" west 78.210 metres to a survey marker;

Then south 17° 43' 28" west 285.895 metres to a survey marker;

Then south 17° 41' 33" west 1,396.036 metes to a survey marker;

Then north 73° 00' 59" west 660.783 metres to a survey marker;

Then north 73° 00' 20" west 271.115 metres, more or less, to a survey marker set on the easterly limit of Route 410;

Then running along the easterly limit of Route 410, 40 metres wide, north 20° 05' 40" east 39.407 metres to a survey marker;

Then running along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 1,474.619 metres and an arc length of 336.654 metres to a survey marker set on the easterly limit of Route 410, that survey marker being distant 335.923 metres as measured on a bearing of north 13° 33' 16" east from the last mentioned survey marker;

Then running along the easterly limit of Route 410 north 7° 00' 50" east 170 metres;

Then running by Crown land south 86° 59' 10" east 115 metres, more or less, to a point in the westerly bank of a brook;

Then running in general northerly and easterly directions along the westerly bank of a brook for a distance of 135 metres, more or less, to a point in the southerly shoreline at low water mark of Flatwater Pond;

Then running along the southerly and the southeasterly shoreline at low water mark of Flatwater Pond in general easterly and northeasterly directions to the point of beginning, the above described piece or parcel of land containing an area of 87 hectares, more or less.

All bearings being referred to the meridian of 56° west longitude of the 3° Transverse Mercator Projection. NAD 27.