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St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

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Newfoundland Regulation 2001



Newfoundland T'Railway Provincial Park Proclamation (Amendment)
under the
Provincial Parks Act

(Filed July 17, 2001)

Under the authority of subsection 4(2) of the Provincial Parks Act, I make the following Order.

Dated at St. John's, July 17, 2001.

Kevin Aylward
Minister of Tourism, Culture and Recreation



        1.   Sch. Amdt.

NR 93/97
as amended

        1. (1) The Schedule to the Newfoundland T'Railway Provincial Park Proclamation is amended by striking out the words and colon "The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following area:" and substituting the words "The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcels of land:"

             (2)  The Schedule to the Proclamation is further amended by inserting the number and title "1.  Ocean Pond Parcel" immediately before the words "All that piece or parcel of land".

             (3)  The Schedule to the Proclamation is further amended by adding at the end of the Schedule the following:

2.   Ocean Pond Parcel (No. 2)

Also, all that piece or parcel of land being a portion of the former Canadian National Railway mainline right of way as shown on Special Plan No. 22 in the Registry of Crown Titles, situated and being at Ocean Pond in the Electoral District of Harbour Main-Whitbourne;

More particularly described as a strip of land 15.24 metres wide running parallel to and being perpendicularly distant 7.62 metres on each side of the centreline of the railway right of way;

Commencing at a point on the centreline at the mile 48 marker;

Then running along the centreline in a generally northwesterly and a westerly direction to another point on the centreline at the mile 50 marker as shown on Special Plan No. 22.

3.   Bishop's Falls Parcel

Also, all that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Bishop's Falls, in the Electoral District of Exploits, abutted and bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point, that point being distant 386.64 metres as measured on a bearing of north 25º 28' 34" east from Control Station 76G2194;

Then along Crown Land applied for by the Town of Bishop's Falls (App. No. C-113115), north 62º 3' 8" east for 534.46 metres;

Then along Crown Land applied for by Parks & Natural Areas Division (Dept. of Tourism, Culture & Recreation - App. No. C-113478), south 10º 42' west for 19.21 metres;

Then along Crown Land applied for by the Town of Bishop's Falls (App. No. C-113115), south 62º 3' 8" west for 505.89 metres;

Then along Crown Land applied for by Parks & Natural Areas Division (Dept. of Tourism, Culture & Recreation - App. No. C-113478), north 75º 48' west for 22.36 metres to the point of commencement.

Containing in all an area of 0.780 hectares.

The above described parcel of land being subject to a 5.5 metres wide utility easement extending through the land as shown on a plan available for viewing at the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation.

All bearings refer to the Meridian of 56º  west Longitude in the 3º Modified Transverse Mercator Projection (Zone 2 - NAD83).

4.  Paradise Parcel

Also, all that piece or parcel of land situated and being on the northwest side of the Trans Canada Highway, in the Town of Paradise, Newfoundland, bounded and abutted as follows:

Commencing at a point having T.M. Co-ordinates (NAD 83) of north 5,265,763.416 metres and east 317,117.715 metres with reference to Monument No. 80G2177 with co-ordinates of north 5,265,505.330 metres and east 317,858.352 metres and Monument No. 80G2178 with co-ordinates of north 5,265,901.667 metres and east 317,272.900 metres;

Then running along the northwestern limits of the Trans Canada Highway south 20° 34' 22" west for 8.253 metres;

Then turning and running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador north 65° 46' 48" west for 8.076 metres;

Then south 49° 05' 13" west for 13.064 metres;

Then turning and running by land of Chester Dawe Limited north 45° 43' 45" west for 73.356 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a chord bearing and distance of north 56° 01' 12" west for 109.407 metres, and a radius of 306.215 metres;

Then turning and running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (Abandoned Railway) north 23° 36' 32" east for 22.860 metres;

Then turning and running by land of Chester Dawe Limited along the arc of a curve having a chord bearing and distance of south 56° 01' 22" east 117.606 metres and a radius of 329.075 metres;

Then south 45° 43' 45" east 63.322 metres, more or less, to the point of commencement;

Containing in all an area of 0.402 hectares.

All bearings refer to grid north.

5.   Howley Parcel

Also all that piece or parcel of land situate and being east of Howley in the Electoral District of Humber Valley, being a strip of land 30.48 metres wide, lying between two parallel lines and being perpendicularly distant 15.24 metres on either side of a centre line, more particularly described as follows:

Commencing at a point in the easterly limit of Route 401, 30 metres wide, at Howley, being the point of intersection of the said limit with the centre line of the former Canadian National Railway line;

Then running along the former centre line in general northeasterly and southeasterly directions for a distance of approximately 22 kilometres to the point of intersection of the former centre line with the centre of the bridge spanning Kitty's Brook;

Containing in all an area of 67 hectares, more or less;

All bearings refer to grid north.

The area described in this Schedule is increased by adding the following parcels of land:

1.  Bishop's Falls Parcel (No. 2)

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Bishop's Falls, in the Electoral District of Exploits, abutted and bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point which measures 218.52 metres on a bearing of north 28º 18' 1" west from Control Station 76G2194;

Then along Main Street, north 36º 36' west for 14.75 metres;

Then along Crown Land, north 62º 33' east for 314.07 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), south 75º 48' east for 42.44 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), south 71º 47' east for 41.82 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), south 65º 31' east for 51.6 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 65º 54' east for 66.17 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 21º 45' west for 12.2 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 35º 39' east for 82.61 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 57º 37' 40" east for 108.96 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 53º 6' east for 124.99 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 60º 40' east for 48.28 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 10º 42' east for 33.42 metres;

Then along property of Lorenzo Burt, north 63º 15' east for 53.62 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), north 67º 50' east for 23.33 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115) and Crown Land, north 60º 49' 30" east for 182.16 metres;

Then along Crown Land, north 33º 46' 10" east for 125.11 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 139.595 metres (Crown Land), to a point which bears north 50º 17' 15" east for a straight line distance of 79.38 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 139.595 metres (Crown Land), to a point which bears north 83º 19' 22" east for a straight line distance of 79.38 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 139.595 metres (Crown Land), to a point which bears south 63º 38' 30" east for a straight line distance of 79.38 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 139.595 metres (Crown Land), to a point which bears south 30º 36' 20" east for a straight line distance of 79.37 metres;

Then along Crown Land, south 14º 5' east for 20 metres;

Then along the shoreline of the Exploits River, south 75º 55' west for 15 metres;

Then along Crown Land, north 14º 5' west for 20 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 124.595 metres (Crown Land), to a point which bears north 30º 36' 20" west for a straight line distance of 70.85 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 124.595 metres (Crown Land), to a point which bears north 63º 38' 30" west for a straight line distance of 70.85 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 124.595 metres (Crown Land), to a point which bears south 83º 19' 22" west for a straight line distance of 70.85 metres;

Then along the arc of a curve having a radius of 124.595 metres (Crown Land), to a point which bears south 50º 17' 15" west for a straight line distance of 70.85 metres;

Then along Crown Land and Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), south 33º 46' 10" west for 126.79 metres;

Then along property of Elsie Hutchings, south 64º 25' west for 15.53 metres;

Then along property of Elsie Hutchings and property of Harold Penton, south 61º 22' west for 48.16 metres;

Then along Crown Land (App. No. C-113115), south 59º 42' 28" west for 122.79 metres;

Then along property of Edward Mills, south 67º 50' west for 23.59 metres;

Then along property of Edward Mills and property of Inez Antle, south 63º 15' west for 50.28 metres;

Then along property of Inez Antle, south 10º 42' west for 33.16 metres;

Then along River bank, south 60º 40' west for 51.58 metres;

Then along River bank, south 53º 6' west for 124.57 metres;

Then along River bank, south 57º 37' 40" west for 115.3 metres;

Then along the shoreline of the Exploits River, south 36º 5' west for 54.48 metres;

Then along River bank, to a point which bears south 11º west for a straight line distance of 31.85 metres;

Then along the shoreline of the Exploits River, south 65º 54' west for 75.69 metres;

Then along River bank, north 65º 31' west for 57.55 metres;

Then along River bank, north 71º 47' west for 40.47 metres;

Then along River bank and Crown Land, north 75º 48' west for 36.86 metres;

Then along Crown Land, property of Exploits Manor and Crown Land, south 62º 33' west for 305.54 metres to point of commencement.

Containing in all an area of 2.389 hectares.

The above described parcel of land being subject to utility easements (5.5 metres wide) extending through the land as shown on a plan available for viewing at the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation.

All bearings refer to grid north (Zone 2 - NAD8).

2.  Paradise Parcel (No. 2)

Also that piece or parcel of land situate and being on the northwest side of the Trans Canada Highway, in the Town of Paradise, Newfoundland bounded and abutted as follows:

Commencing at a point having T.M. Grid Co-ordinates (NAD 83) of north 5,265,683.665 metres and east 317,147.782 metres with reference to Monument No. 80G2177 with co-ordinates of north 5,265,505.330 metres and east 317,858.352 metres and Monument No. 80G2178 with co-ordinates of north 5,265,901.667 metres and east 317,272.900 metres;

Then running along the northeastern limits of a brook south 88° 32' 0" west for 9.539 metres;

Then north 44° 01' 57" west for 7.566 metres;

Then north 41° 29' 58" west for 10.898 metres;

Then north 19° 46' 11" west for 35.764 metres;

Then north 75° 4' 05" west for 24.362 metres;

Then north 50° 28' 37" west for 17.560 metres;

Then north 68° 51' 24" west for 56.109 metres;

Then north 86° 59' 41" west for 9.250 metres;

Then north 48° 50' 34" west for 14.420 metres;

Then north 36° 24' 32" west for 9.104 metres;

Then turning and running by land of Principal Holdings Limited north 21° 59' 0" east for 71.957 metres;

Then turning and running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador (Abandoned Railway) along the arc of a curve having a chord bearing and distance of south 66° 19' 35" east 0.702 metres and a radius of 306.215 metres;

Then turning and running by land of Chester Dawe Limited south 05° 37' 41" west for 26.046 metres;

Then south 03° 19' 47" west for 26.946 metres;

Then south 36° 49' 10" east for 19.102 metres;

Then south 64° 03' 55" east for 117.234 metres;

Then north 49° 05' 13" east for 26.166 metres;

Then turning and running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador(Abandoned Railway) south 45° 43' 45" east for 14.074 metres;

Then turning and running along the northwestern limits of the Trans Canada Highway south 20° 34' 22" west for 60.218 metres, more or less, to the point of commencement;

Containing in all an area of 0.481 hectares.

All bearings refer to grid north.