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St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

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Newfoundland and Labrador
Regulation 2003



Town of Lark Harbour Order, 2003
under the
Municipalities Act, 1999
(O.C. 2003-100)

(Filed March 24, 2003)

Under the authority of section 3 of the Municipalities Act, 1999, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council makes the following Order.

Dated at St. John's,  March 18, 2003.

Deborah E. Fry
Clerk of the Executive Council



        1.   Short title

        2.   Boundaries

        3.   Repeal


Short title

        1. This Order may be cited as the Town of Lark Harbour Order, 2003.


        2. The boundaries of the Town of Lark Harbour are as set out in the Schedule.


        3. The Town of Lark Harbour Order, Consolidated Newfoundland and Labrador Regulation 249/96, is repealed.


Beginning at a point on the high-water mark of the eastern shoreline of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, that point being on the northern limits of Devil Head;

Then south 45E 30' east, 2,714 metres, more or less, to the summit of a hill known as O'Dwyer;

Then due east, 1,863 metres, more or less, to the high-water mark on the southern shoreline of Bay of Islands;

Then in a southwesterly and southeasterly direction following the sinuosities of the shoreline of Lark Harbour to a point on the bank of a stream which flows into Lark Harbour from the south;

Then following the western bank of the stream to a point on the western boundary of Blow Me Down Provincial Park;

Then following the park boundary in a southerly direction to a point on the eastern side of Bay of Islands South Highway, # 450 and east of the intersection of that highway and Grassy Point Brook;

Then in a general westerly direction, 25 metres, more or less, to centerline of highway # 450 where it crosses Grassy Point Brook;

Then north 54E 04' 01" west, 1,003 metres, more or less, to the summit of Great Mountain, elevation 391.4 metres;

Then north 55E 35' 06" west, 3, 858 metres, more or less, to the summit of Little Port Head;

Then due west, 255 metres, more or less, to the high-water mark on the eastern shoreline of the Gulf of St. Lawrence;

Then following the sinuosities of the shoreline in a generally northerly direction passing Little Port, Bottle Cove and Island Cove to the point of beginning.

All bearings refer to Grid North and, as with distances, are subject to approximation as delineated on the 1:2500 Provincial Base Mapping and the 1:50000 National Topographic Mapping.