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Copyright © 2006: Queen's Printer,
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

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Newfoundland and Labrador
Regulation 2006



Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park
under the
Provincial Parks Act

(Filed July 25, 2006)

Under the authority of subsection 4(2) of the Provincial Parks Act, I make the following Order.

Dated at St. John's, July 21, 2006.

Clyde Jackman
Minister of Environment and Conservation



        1.   Sch. Amdt.

NLR 93/97
as amended

        1. The Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park Proclamation is amended by adding at the end of the Schedule the following:

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcels of land:

1.   Rogers property

All that piece or parcel of land lying northwest of Tipping Drive, in the Electoral District of Humber East, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being further bounded and described as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point, that point being found by running from monument no. 87G2382, north 38° 31' 29"east 256.31 metres, and south 58° 18' 20" east 20.10 metres;

Running then from the above described point of beginning by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, south 58° 18' 20" east 7.15 metres;

Then running by the westerly limit of Tipping Drive, north 36° 18' 12" east 61.24 metres;

Then running by land of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, north 58° 18' 20" west 9.59 metres;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to Percy George Tipping and registered under Volume 108 and Folio 472 in the Registry of Crown Grants, now David Rogers, south 34° 01' 23" west 61.09 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 511 square metres, more or less;

All bearings refer to 3° Grid North, NAD 1983, as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58° 30' west longitude.

2.   Aliant property

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being located on the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, in the City of Corner Brook, in the Electoral District of Humber East, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being further bounded and described as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point on the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, that point being the most northerly corner of the described lot and having co-ordinates of north 5,424,058.189 and east 349,500.860;

Running then from, the above described point of beginning by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, south 45° 34' 43" east 9.966 metres; and

Then running south 44° 13' 32" west 6.018 metres; and

Then running north 45° 21' 20" west 9.975 metres; and

Then running north 44° 18' 07" east 5.979 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 60.0 square metres, more or less;

All bearings refer to 3° Grid North, NAD 1983, as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland and Labrador with the Central Meridian at 58° 30' west longitude.

The area described in this Schedule is increased by adding the following parcels of land:

1.   CNR rail bed property

All that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situated at St. John's, Electoral District of Kilbride, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, shown as Parcel 2005-2 on Public Works and Government Services Canada Plan S-5140, dated September 19, 2005, that plan being signed by Clifton G. Hawco, Newfoundland and Labrador Land Surveyor and the Parcel 2005-2 being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a survey marker situated on a southwesterly limit of lands now or formerly of H. M. in right of Canada and on a northwesterly limit of Hillview Drive West as shown on the above mentioned plan, the survey marker having Grid Coordinate values of north 5,266,269.571 metres and east 324,892.020 metres;

Then south 39° 22' 50" west a distance of 184.090 metres to a survey marker;

Then north 53° 43' 28" west a distance of 12.188 metres to a survey marker;

Then north 39° 22' 50" east a distance of 184.770 mares to a survey marker;

Then south 50° 29' 44" east a distance of 12.171 metres to the place of beginning.

Subject to

The above described Parcel 2005-2 being subject to an unregistered pole line easement as shown on the above mentioned plan, the unregistered pole line easement being shown as Parcel 2005-2E and being more particularly described as follows:

Beginning at a survey marker situated on a southwesterly limit of lands now or formerly of H. M. in right of Canada and on a northwesterly limit of Hillview Drive West as shown on the above mentioned plan, that survey marker having Grid Coordinate values of north 5,266,269.571 metres and east 324,892.020 metres;

Then south 39° 22' 50" west a distance of 179.658 metres to a point;

Then north 58° 28' 12" west a distance of 12.286 metres to a point;

Then north 39° 22' 50" east a distance of 6.027 metres to a point;

Then south 58° 28' 12" east a distance of 8.274 metres to a point;

Then north 39° 31' 35" east a distance of 174.188 metres to a point;

Then south 50° 29' 44" east a distance of 3.531 metres to the place of beginning.

The above described Parcel 2005-2 contains an area of 0.224 hectares, more or less, including Parcel 2005-2E as described above.

All azimuths are grid, referenced to the Newfoundland and Labrador 3° MTM Projection, NAD 83 values, Central Meridian 53° west longitude.