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Copyright © 2008: Queen's Printer,
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

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Newfoundland and Labrador
Regulation 2008



Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway
Provincial Park Proclamation (Amendment)
under the
Provincial Parks Act

(Filed May 20, 2008)

Under the authority of subsection 4(2) of the Provincial Parks Act, I make the following Order.

Dated at St. John's, May 12, 2008.

Charlene Johnson
Minister of Environment and Conservation



        1.   Sch. Amdt.

NLR 93/97
as amended

        1. The Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway Provincial Park Proclamation is amended by adding at the end of the Schedule the following:

The area described in this Schedule is decreased by removing the following parcels of land:

1.   Day Property - Parcel 1 - Boom Siding

All that piece or parcel of land lying south of Deer Lake and north of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, at Boom Siding, in the Electoral District of Humber East, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being further bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point having co-ordinates of north 5,429,783.180 and east 365,319.744;

Then running from the above described point of beginning by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, north 0° 42' 42" west 6.905 metres;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to Albert Day and registered under Vol. 118 - Fol.10 in the Registry of Crown Grants, north 85° 17'18" east 27.246 metres;

Then running by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, south 0° 42' 42" east 7.145 metres, and south 85° 47' 24" west 27.230 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 191 square metres, more or less;

Subject to a portion of utility easement 7.4 metres wide which extends unto the lot over its southerly boundary.

2.   Town of Mount Moriah Property - Parcel 2 - Mount Moriah

All that piece or parcel of land being a portion of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, in the Town of Mount Moriah, in the Electoral District of Bay of Islands, in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, being further bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being found by running from monument no. 94G5032, south 61° 45' 33" west 708.66 metres;

Then running from the above described point of beginning by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, south 72° 46' 43" east 33.641 metres;

Then running south 8° 00' 23" west 6.234 metres, to a point;

Then continuing by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, along a curve of radius 316.774 metres, in a counter clockwise direction, to a point being distant 79.761 metres, as measured on a bearing of south 71° 54' 58" west from the last mentioned point;

Then continuing by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador T'Railway, north 10° 41' 16" east 27.773 metres;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to Samuel Pauley and registered under Volume 69 and Folio 176 in the Registry of Crown Grants, north 68° 42' 14" east 14.997 metres;

Then running by land granted by the Crown to Peter O'Quinn and registered under Volume 78 and Folio 7 in the Registry of Crown Grants, north 72° 13' 21" east 26.709 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning;

Containing an area of 0.148 hectare, more or less;

Subject to a utility easement, 5.4 metres wide, which crosses the subject lot;

All bearings refer to 3° grid north NAD 1983 as referred to the Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland with the Central Meridian at 58° 30' west longitude;

3.   Taylor Property - Parcel 3 - Ocean Pond

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being on the southern side of the Ocean Pond Road, in the town of Ocean Pond, in the Provincial Electoral District of Harbour Main/Whitbourne, in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being an iron bar set at the northeastern corner of the land and having grid co-ordinates of north 5,253,959.794 and east 272,967.986;

Then running along land of the T'Railway Provincial Park south 7° 58' 4" west, a distance of 26.839 metres;

Then running along land granted to Jeanette Taylor and registered in the Crown Registry in V-184 F-43 and by land of Jeanette Taylor registered in the Provincial Registry of Deeds on Roll 73 Frame 2323, south 66° 19' 04" west, a distance of 27.080 metres

Then running along land of the T'Railway Provincial Park north 21° 45' 56" west, a distance of 22.860 metres;

Then north 66° 19' 04" east, a distance of 40.399 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning.

Containing an area of 770.8 square metres, more or less, and being more particularly described and delineated on the drawing annexed here.

All bearings are referred to the meridian 53° west longitude of the Modified 3° Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland with NAD 83 reference datum.

4.   Nightingale Property - Parcel 4 - Three Island Pond Road

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being near the eastern side of Three Island Pond Road, having varying widths, at Paradise, in the electoral district of Topsail, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada and being abutted and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being 513.953 metres as measured on a bearing of south 83° 37' 25" east from Crown Land Monument No. 96G 6156;

Then running along by land registered to James and Jessie Roberts in roll 1462 frame 397 of the Registry of Deeds in Newfoundland and Labrador north 56° 12' 26" east, 3.986 metres;

Then running along by T'Railway Provincial Park south 44° 16' 13" east, 18.438 metres;

Then running south 56° 23' 12" west, 4.002 metres;

Then running along by a Crown Grant issued to George Phillips registered in volume 108 folio 402 of the Crown Land Registry in Newfoundland and Labrador north 44° 01' 04" west, 3.048 metres;

Then running north 44° 16' 05" west, 15.375 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning.

Subject to, nevertheless, a drainage easement as shown on the adjoining plan;

Containing an area of 72 square metres, more or less, and being more particularly shown delineated on the diagram annexed here;

All bearings being referred to NAD 83 and to the meridian of 53° west longitude of the Modified 3° Transverse Mercator Projection for Newfoundland.

5.   Jeans Garage Limited Property - Parcel 5 - Channel Port aux Basques

All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Channel-Port aux Basques, District of Burgeo and La Poile, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada and bounded as follows:

Beginning at a point, that point being north 1° 28' 58" west a distance of 1995.125 metres from Control Monument number 82G2337;

Then by land granted to Joseph Jeans, Vol. 163 Fol. 55, north 14° 53' 40" west a distance of 65.281 metres;

Then by the sideline of Grand Bay West Road, 30 metres wide, south 30° 27' 00" west a distance of 31.746 metres;

Then by the sideline of Bar Haven Drive south 42° 37' 06" east a distance of 48.541 metres to the point of beginning;

The above described parcel of land contains an area of 737.1 square metres and is more particularly delineated on the diagram annexed here;

All bearings refer to the meridian of 58° 30' west longitude of the 3° Transverse Mercator Projection NAD 83.