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St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

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Consolidated Newfoundland Regulation 1996



Upper Island Cove Municipal Planning Area
under the
Urban and Rural Planning Act
(O.C. 96‑173)

Under the authority of section 11 of the Urban and Rural Planning Act and the Subordinate Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, the Lieutenant‑Governor in Council defines the following area as the Upper Island Cove Municipal Planning Area.


Beginning at a point, that point being the highwater mark on the easternmost extremity of Cooper's Head on the north shore of Conception Bay;

Then north 20° 00' west a distance of 130 metres, more or less, to the southern corner of the Anglican Cemetery and proceeding northward along its western fenceline to the northern corner of the cemetery;

Then running northwestward a distance of 40 metres, more or less, to a point, that point being 33 metres, more or less, southwestward via the centre line of the coastal highway from the Fling's Road intersection;

Then in a westerly direction along a line parallel to and 33 metres south of the centre line of Fling's Road, that is to say, the roadway, the pathway and its abandoned right‑of‑way a distance of 747 metres, more or less, to a point situated 33 metres northwestward from the centre line of a pathway known as Church Lane, that point being south 78° 30' east and 46 metres, more or less, from horizontal control monument No. 93191;

Then along a line parallel to and 33 metres east of the centre line of Cemetery Lane to a point, that point being on the northwestern boundary line of a piece of property now or previously owned by one Leonard Smith and being 335 metres from the last given point;

Then south 52° 30' west a distance of 104 metres, more or less, to a point, that high point having spot elevation of 138 metres;

Then south 64° 30' west a distance of 829 metres, more or less, to a point, that high point having spot elevation of 161 metres;

Then south 54° 15' west a distance of 1,481 metres, more or less, to a point, that point being horizontal control monument No. 93200 and having elevation 142 metres;

Then north 51° 00' west a distance of 1,036 metres, more or less, to a point, that point being the southernmost extremity of the pond which empties into Bread and Cheese Cove Pond;

Then north 36° 00' west a distance of 838 metres, more or less, to a high point;

Then north 74° 00' east a distance of 1,890 metres, more or less, to a point, that point being the centre of the outlet at the southern end of Four Corner Pond;

Then north 18° 00' east a distance of 930 metres, more or less, to a high point;

Then north 46° 30' east a distance of 2,225 metres, more or less, to a point, that point being the centre line of the intersection of 2 abandoned roads, one known locally as "Long Run Path";

Then in a generally northeasterly direction along the centre line of "Long Run Path" a distance of 396 metres, more or less, to a point, that point being north 39° 00' west and 100 metres from horizontal control monument No. 93170;

Then south 39° 00' east a distance of 100 metres to a point, that point being control monument No. 93170 having elevation of 154 metres;

Then south 39° 00' east a distance of 823 metres, more or less, to a point, that point being the centre of an islet in the outlet at the eastern end of Bryant's Cove Pond;

Then south 77° 00' east a distance of 788 metres, more or less, to a point, that point being the intersection of the centre lines of the roads going to Bryant's Cove and to Spare Point;

Then south 63° 30' east a distance of 518 metres, more or less, to a high point, that point having a spot elevation of 62 metres;

Then south 66° 00' east a distance of 177 metres, more or less, to a point at the highwater mark at the easternmost extremity of the shoreline approximately 580 metres northeastward via the coastline from Grebe Cove more particularly at 5 280 125 metres north and 290 425 metres east;

Then in a southwesterly direction along the sinuosities of the shoreline at the highwater mark passing Grebe Cove, Upper Island Cove, Spoon Cove to Cooper's Head, the point of beginning.

All bearings being referred to grid north, central meridian 53° 00' west longitude, and along with distances given are subject to approximation as delineated on the 1:12,000 copy of the Crown Lands and Surveys Mapping, 1971 edition, with reference to the 1:2400 copy.


Newfoundland Regulation 61/85 is repealed.