This is an official version.

Copyright © 2006: Queen's Printer,
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Important Information
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Consolidated Newfoundland Regulation 1996



Backside Pond Provincial Park Proclamation
under the
Provincial Parks Act
(O.C. 96‑189)

Under the authority of section 4 of the Provincial Parks Act and the Subordinate Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, the Lieutenant‑Governor in Council proclaims the area described in the Schedule to be a provincial park.

                   The Backside Pond Park Proclamation, Newfoundland Regulation 187/80, is repealed.


All that piece or parcel of land situate and being near Greens Harbour in the province, abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point formed by the intersection of the northern limit of the Trinity South Highway, 30.5 metres wide, with the eastern limit of an abandoned Canadian National Railway's right‑of‑way, 15.2 metres wide, that point having co‑ordinates of north 29,904.3 metres and east 30,922.8 metres as referred to Crown Land Survey Marker No. 83220 having assumed co‑ordinates of north 30,480 metres and east 30,480 metres;

Then by the eastern and northern limit of the Canadian National Railway's right‑of‑way in a general northerly, westerly and northerly direction to a point in the shoreline of Backside Pond, that point having co‑ordinates of north 30,912.7 metres and east 30,857 metres;

Then by Crown land north 73° 11' west 773.3 metres to a point in the shoreline of Trinity Bay at low water ordinary spring tides, that point having co‑ordinates of north 31,314.1 metres and east 30,116.9 metres;

Then by the waters of Trinity Bay at low water ordinary spring tides to a point having co‑ordinates of north 32,772.7 metres and east 32,144.8 metres;

Then by Crown land south 45° 30' east 1,462.4 metres to a point in the western limit of the Trinity South Highway, that point having co‑ordinates of north 31,740.6 metres and east 33,195.1 metres;

Then by the western limit of the Trinity South Highway in a general southwesterly direction to the point of beginning and containing an area of 562.5 hectares.

All bearings being referred to magnetic north.
