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Copyright © 2006: Queen's Printer,
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

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Consolidated Newfoundland Regulation 1996



La Manche Provincial Park Proclamation
under the
Provincial Parks Act
(O.C. 96-189)

Under the authority of section 4 of the Provincial Parks Act and the Subordinate Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council proclaims the area described in the Schedule to be a provincial park.

                   The La Manche Park Proclamation, Newfoundland Regulation 192/80, is repealed.


All that piece or parcel of land and land covered by water situate and being at La Manche in the province, abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point in the easterly limit of the Southern Shore Highway, 30.5 metres wide, extending between Tors Cove and Cape Broyle, that point having co‑ordinates of north 5,227,381.4 metres and east 310,721.5 metres;

Then running by Crown land north 77° 28' 56" east 293.3 metres, and then north 69° 45' 56" east 78.9 metres, and then north 86° 03' 33" east 656.5 metres, and then north 11° 56' 52" west 808.1 metres, and then north 54° 17' 28" east 355.8 metres, more or less;

Then running along the southeasterly shore of a pond to a point being distant 342.2 metres as measured on a bearing of north 44° 45' 20" east from the last mentioned point;

Then running by Crown land south 83° 58' 11" east 380.7 metres, more or less;

Then running along the southwesterly shore of another pond to a point being distant 79.5 metres feet as measured on a bearing of south 82° 44' 52" east from the last mentioned point;

Then running along that southwesterly limit of the pond to a point being distant 265.6 metres as measured on a bearing of south 44° 57' 56" east from the last mentioned point;

Then running by Crown lands south 9° 39' 17" east 932.5 metres, and then north 85° 48' 35" east 3,716.61 feet, and then south 42° 40' 59" east 2,870 metres, more or less;

Then running along the westerly shore of La Manche Bay in general southwesterly and southeasterly directions to a point being distant 1,647.9 metres from the last mentioned point;

Then running by Crown land and by private land and by Crown land north 71° 21' 14" west 1,589.5 metres;

Then running by Crown land north 87° 01' 48" west 250.2 metres, and then south 75° 23' 13" west 1,082.9 metres, more or less;

Then running along the easterly limit of the Southern Shore Highway in a general northwesterly direction 4,079.1 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning being distant 3,499.8 metres as measured on a bearing of north 30° 04' 55" west from the last mentioned point, reserving nevertheless out of the above described piece or parcel of land and land covered by water a transmission line right‑of‑way, 18.3 metres wide, the above described piece or parcel of land and land covered by water containing an area of 1,438.9 hectares, more or less.

All bearings being referred to the meridian of 53° west longitude of the 3° Transverse Mercator Projection.
