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Copyright © 2006: Queen's Printer,
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

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Consolidated Newfoundland Regulation 1996



Piccadilly Head Provincial Park Proclamation
under the
Provincial Parks Act
(O.C. 96-189)

Under the authority of section 4 of the Provincial Parks Act and the Subordinate Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council proclaims the area described in the Schedule to be a provincial park.

                   The Piccadilly Head Provincial Park Proclamation, Newfoundland Regulation 176/85, is repealed.


All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Piccadilly in the province, abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point in the easterly limit of the Main Highway, 20 metres wide, that point being an iron pin having co‑ordinates of north 5,382,554.79 metres and east 274,994.58 metres;

Then running along that easterly limit of the Main Highway north 7° 56' 36" east a distance of 103.05 metres, and then in a northwesterly direction to a point, that point having co‑ordinates of north 5,383,231 metres and east 274,861.46 metres;

Then running by land of Karl McIsaac north 23° 38' 32" east 43.94 metres, and then north 60° 01' 24" east 15.32 metres, and then north 18° 17' 47" west 41.36 metres, and then north 6° 11' 41" west 22.02 metres, and then north 50° 04' 58" west 27.39 metres, and then north 0° 33' 27" west 32.17 metres, and then north 43° 20' 11" west 5.78 metres, more or less;

Then running by land of Clyde McIsaac north 6° 42' 12" west 3.07 metres, and then north 26° 18' 47" east 12.50 metres, and then north 7° 55' 39" east 95.77 metres;

Then running by land of Clyde McIsaac, land of Charles Bennett, land of Patrick Hinks and land of Thomas Bennett north 85° 23' 41" east 252.08 metres;

Then running by the land of Thomas Bennett south 3° 46' 58" west 36.73 metres, more or less;

Then running along that northeasterly limit of the Main Highway north 64° 31' 06" west 73.28 metres, more or less;

Then running along the easterly bank of a stream north 15° 11' 06" west 92 metres, more or less, to a point in the low water mark of the waters of West Bay, that point having co‑ordinates of north 5,283,607.02 metres and east 272,526.19 metres;

Then running along the shoreline at the low water by the waters of West Bay in an easterly direction to the northernmost point of South Head;

Then continuing along the shoreline at low water of the waters of Piccadilly Bay in a general southwesterly direction to a point having co‑ordinates of north 5,382,550.16 metres and east 275,027.76 metres;

Then running by land of the R.C. Episcopal Corporation north 82° 03' 24" west 33.50 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning.

The above described piece or parcel of land containing an area of 42 hectares, more or less, and being more particularly shown on the Department of Forest Resources and Lands Plan No. S.P. 166 dated August, 1984.

All bearings being referred to the meridian of 58° 30' west longitude of the 3° Transverse Mercator Projection.
