This is an official version.

Copyright © 2006: Queen's Printer,
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

Important Information
(Includes details about the availability of printed and electronic versions of the Statutes.)

Consolidated Newfoundland Regulation 1996



Pinware River Provincial Park Proclamation
under the
Provincial Parks Act
(O.C. 96-189)

Under the authority of section 4 of the Provincial Parks Act and the Subordinate Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council proclaims the area described in the Schedule to be a provincial park.

                   The Pinware River Park Proclamation, Newfoundland Regulation 193/80, is repealed.


All that piece or parcel of land situate and being at Pinware in the province, abutted and bounded as follows, that is to say:

Beginning at a point in the eastern limit of the Southern Labrador Highway, 30.5 metres wide, that point having reference from the centre of the concrete bridge spanning Little Trout River as follows: south 4° 21' west 67.1 metres, south 55° 05' east 205.6 metres, south 44° 05' east 315.9 metres, south 7° 58' east 46 metres, south 38° 20' east 103.7 metres, south 60° 36' east 16.4 metres to the principal point of beginning;

Then by Crown land south 60° 36' east 146.2 metres;

Then by the shoreline of Pinware Bay at low water ordinary spring tides south 29° 04' east 73.5 metres, south 80° 20' east 56.9 metres, south 32° 34' east 47.2 metres, south 53° 28' west 73 metres, south 2° 34' west 71.9 metres, south 15° 16' east 70.56 metres, south 2° 14' west 89 metres, south 13° 20' west 98.8 metres, south 7° 30' east 164.2 metres, south 27° 19' east 53.6 metres, south 46° 12' east 95.5 metres, south 18° 16' east 32.8 metres, south 3° 14' east 77.3 metres, south 51° 57' east 100.6 metres, south 61° 57' east 95.6 metres, south 66° 09' east 334.2 metres, south 74° 23' east 342.8 metres, south 60° 15' east 69.5 metres, south 41° 34' east 66.7 metres, south 49° 39' east 33.5 metres, south 37° 11' west 50.6 metres, south 62° 42' west 29.5 metres;

Then by the shoreline of the Strait of Belle Isle at low water ordinary spring tide north 65° 26' west 170.7 metres, north 87° 36' west 92.7 metres, north 75° 13' west 54.4 metres, south 81° 07' west 49 metres, north 81° 09' west 121.4 metres, north 72° 36' west 151.3 metres, north 73° 12' west 97.6 metres, north 85° 03' west 113.1 metres, south 85° 22' west 65.7 metres, south 78° 57' west 122.5 metres, south 67° 76.6 metres, south 63° 58' west 113.7 metres, south 77° 18' west 112.8 metres, south 60° 26' west 77.8 metres, south 64° 36' west 226.5 metres;

Then by Crown land north 40° 33' west 43.7 metres;

Then by the eastern limit of the Southern Labrador Highway in a general northeasterly direction a distance of 1,642.9 metres, more or less, to the point of beginning and containing an area of 68 hectares.


All bearings being referred to magnetic north.
