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September 22, 2021            House of Assembly Management Commission                                No. 82


The Management Commission met at 9:40 a.m. via video conference.


SPEAKER (Warr): Good morning, and we'll call the meeting to order and welcome Members and staff of the Management Commission.


Before we start, I'd like to introduce the Members of the Commission and staff present for the meeting today: the hon. Steve Crocker, Government House Leader; Mr. Barry Petten, Opposition House Leader; Ms. Helen Conway Ottenheimer, Member for Harbour Main; the hon. Lisa Dempster, Member for Cartwright - L'Anse au Clair; Mr. Jim Dinn, Member for St. John's Centre; Mr. Paul Pike, Member for Burin - Grand Bank; Ms. Sandra Barnes, Clerk and secretary to the Commission; Ms. Kim Hawley George, Law Clerk and acting Clerk Assistant; and Ms. Bobbi Russell, policy and communications officer.


My name is Brian Warr, Deputy Speaker of the House, and I will be chairing today's meeting in the absence of Speaker Bennett.


The first agenda item is the approval of the minutes. Draft minutes of the Commission meetings held on May 12 and May 26, 2021, require the approval of the Management Commission. Are there any comments or questions before I call the motion to approve the minutes?


Looking for a mover to recommend the motion that the minutes of the Commission meetings held on May 12 and May 26, 2021, are approved as read.


Mover? MHA Dempster, moving.


Second? I'm splitting screens here, so …


We have a seconder?


B. RUSSELL: I think Mr. Pike has his hand raised there, Mr. Speaker.




All those in favour, 'aye.'




SPEAKER: All those against, 'nay.'


Motion carried.


On motion, minutes adopted as circulated.


SPEAKER: The second item on the agenda is the Speaker's report ruling on allowance use. The process for rulings on allowance use as outlined in section 24 of the House of Assembly, Accountability, Integrity and Administration Act gives authority for the Speaker to make rulings when expenditures of Members have been rejected for payment, providing that the ruling is distributed to and receives concurrence of the Management Commission.


The report detailing all such rulings for the period ending September 17, 2021, has been circulated to the Commission with their briefing package and is posted on the House of Assembly website as part of the briefing package for today's meeting. This item is for reporting purposes only.


Are there any questions before we move to the next agenda item? Any questions?


Seeing none, the next item on the agenda is the Clerk's report, the authorizations for furniture and equipment.


The Standard Office Allocation Package for Members delegates authority to the Clerk to preapprove expenditures for additional furniture and equipment to a maximum of $1,000 per item, with the Clerk to report all such approvals at a subsequent meeting of the Management Commission.


The report provided in the briefing packages details the approvals of the Clerk under this authority up to September 17, 2021. This item is also for reporting purposes only.


Are there any questions before we move to the next agenda item? Any questions?


Seeing none, the next agenda item is your financial reports. This is also a reporting item to the Commission.


The House of Assembly Accountability, Integrity and Administration Act states that the Commission must “regularly, and at least quarterly, review the financial performance of the House of Assembly as well as the actual expenditures of members compared with approved allocations ….”


Financial reports and Members' expense reports for the period ending March 31 are included in the package briefing.


Are there any questions on this particular item?


I'm not seeing anyone. We'll move to the next agenda item: Caucus Operational Funding Grant reports, year ending March 31, 2021.


The Caucus Operational Funding Grants Policy requires each caucus, the Office of the Speaker and independent Members to submit to the Management Commission a report detailing the expenditures on the use of this allocation within 90 days after the end of each fiscal year. In accordance with the policy, reports detailing expenditures for the period of April 1, 2020, to January 15, 2021, have been received and are included in the briefing package.


The reports presented to the Commission for this fiscal year end on January 15, 2021, due to the dissolution of the 49th General Assembly. Due to timing of the release of the general election results on March 27, 2021, processing for the Caucus Operational Funding Grant for the 50th General Assembly was not completed by the end of the fiscal year on March 31.


Again, this item is for reporting purposes only. Are there any questions? Seeing none.


Budget Transfers Report, year ending March 31, 2021. The Transfer of Funds Policy requires only certain budget transfers to be approved by the Commission. However, to ensure transparency, the policy requires all transfers of funds processed during a fiscal year to be reported to the Commission. In accordance with the policy, all budget transfers processed during the fiscal year ending 31st of March 2021 are included in the briefing package. This item, again, is for reporting purposes only. Are there any questions?


Seeing none, we'll move to the audited financial information, year ending March 31, 2020. The House of Assembly Accountability, Integrity and Administration Act requires an annual audit of the accounts of the House of Assembly and statutory offices by the auditor appointed by the Commission. The act states that the Audit Committee must review the audited financial information, the audited report and any recommendations with the auditor and recommend their approval to the Management Commission.


A recommendation for approval of the audited financial statements for the year ending March 31, 2020, was delayed coming forward from the Audit Committee due to changes in the membership of the Committee in the fall of 2020. It was further delayed, as the Committee was unable to meet during the dissolution period between the 49th and 50th General Assemblies, and did not meet to review the statements and recommend their approval until July 2021.


In correspondence dated September 16, 2021, the Audit Committee recommends that the Commission approve and sign the audited financial information for the House of Assembly and statutory offices for the fiscal year ending 31st of March 2020.


Are there any questions or comments with respect to the audited financial information before we call for a motion to approve? Seeing none. I'd certainly entertain a motion: The Commission approves the audited financial information for April 1, 2019, to March 31, 2020, for the House of Assembly and statutory offices as recommended by the Audit Committee.


Can I have a mover for that motion, please?


L. DEMPSTER: Mr. Warr, I move.


SPEAKER: Moved by Minister Dempster.




Again, I'm splitting screens so I'm having to look.


Can you help me out, Bobbi? I need a seconder for that motion.


B. RUSSELL: Mr. Petten, I believe.


SPEAKER: Mr. Petten? Thank you, MHA Petten.


All those in favour of the motion?




SPEAKER: Those against?




This concludes the agenda for today's meeting. I certainly thank Members and staff for their attendance.


I'd entertain a motion to adjourn.


Ms. Conway Ottenheimer.




B. RUSSELL: Mr. Dinn, I believe, raised his hand.


SPEAKER: Thank you.


All those in favour?




SPEAKER: Motion carried.


Anyway, I certainly, again, appreciate your time today in reviewing the details of our agenda and I certainly look forward to our next meeting.


Before we go, Bobbi or Sandra, Kim, does anybody have any questions with regard to the next meeting? Anything at all?




There's a briefing scheduled for Monday – hold on a second now; I'll pull up my calendar. A meeting notice was sent out for that. On Monday, October 4, at 9:30 a.m. there's a technical briefing on constituency assistant matters. It's not a meeting, but the next session. That should be in your calendars. I sent out a Webex invite for that.




Have a great day, everyone.


CLERK (Barnes): Have a good day, everyone.


SPEAKER: Okay. Thank you.


On motion, meeting adjourned.