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House of Assembly Coat of Arms

House of Assembly

Newfoundland and Labrador

Progress of Bills

A bill is a proposed law, (an act or statute). A bill is introduced to the House of Assembly by a minister. To become a law, a bill goes through a number of stages - first reading, second reading, Committee of the Whole (amendments, if any, are made at this stage), third reading and Royal Assent. The tables track the progress of bills before the House during the session in which they were considered.

Video: Business of the House of Assembly

The text of each bill linked below appears as it is circulated in the House after first reading. If the bill is amended in Committee of the Whole stage, the amendments appear in red text. To review the definitive final version of the law – the new act or statute - note the chapter number in the last column and refer to the list of statutes for this year.

50th General Assembly

49th General Assembly

48th General Assembly

47th General Assembly

46th General Assembly

45th General Assembly

44th General Assembly